Charging Nikon DSLR batteries in your car with 12V power

If you travel frequently by car or mobile home and also want to charge your batteries on the road, you may know the problem: Sometimes there is no 220V power supply at hand and the battery of the SLR remains empty.
After a long search, I have now found a charger that charges the batteries on the 12V on-board power supply, for example via the cigarette lighter.
I have been a fan of the third market batteries of “Blumax” for quite some time, as I report in this blog entry. The same manufacturer also offers a selection of chargers, one of them can also charge the batteries on the 12V car electrical system.
In the past, I have searched several times for possibilities to charge the batteries, such as the EN-EL15a or EN-EL15b mobile, but have always failed, because the tried chargers functioned unreliably. Now I have made another attempt and I am finally satisfied with my new 12V charger.
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My new “Blumax” charger is not very light and space-saving (12.5cm X 11cm X 4cm at 284gr weight), but it can charge two of the above batteries at the same time.
The charger can charge the batteries either via the regular 220V power supply or the 12V car electrical system. The variety of the connection possibilities relativizes the bulky form and the high weight of the charger, as now I don’t have to carry the original chargers with me anymore. An output socket for USB power allows me furthermore to charge my power bank connected via USB.
The device has a digital display, which shows the state of charge of the batteries in percentages of 10 (10%, 20%, 30%, …, 100%). This display of the state of charge works reliably, the value actually corresponds to a large extent with the value determined by the camera. The devices I have tried so far could only do this very unreliably or not at all.
When charging the batteries, the user has the choice of whether they should be charged particularly quickly or with normal charging current. I myself always use the slow mode, because I think that the batteries are charged slower, but more gently. So I haven’t gained any experience with the fast mode yet.
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