Autumn behind the dune – delight and activity on Ringkøbing Fjord and North Sea

A modern holiday home near the beach, inside the fireplace is burning, outside the wind is whipping. Wrapped in thick jackets we stand on the terrace, look into the dark night and toast with our warming rum. We fly kites, enjoy Pølser and Danish pastry. The dogs love the wide beach, we collect oysters and spend the evenings cooking together. A week up here decelerates the everyday life and lets us concentrate on the present. For the first time we support our travel blog with a video.
The travel blog as video
For the first time we are not only creating a photoblog after our trip to Denmark, but are now also adding moving pictures to our travel report.
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Die Videoaufnahmen sind allesamt mit einem iPhone 11 Pro Max (Amazon Affiliate Link) erstellt worden. Für die Luftaufnahmen nutzten wir unsere neue Video-Drohne Fimi X8 SE (Amazon Affiliate Link). Das Fliegen der Drohne war bei den teilweise starken Winden garnicht so leicht, zumal man als Anfänger genug mit der normalen Steuerung zu tun hat. Insgesamt sind wir mit den Ergebnissen aber zufrieden. Wir hoffen, dass Euch das Video gefällt.
The video recordings were all made with an iPhone 11 Pro Max (Amazon Affiliate Link). For the aerial shots we used our new video drone Fimi X8 SE (Amazon Affiliate Link). Flying the drone was not so easy with the partly strong winds, especially since you have enough to do with the normal controls as a beginner. Overall we are satisfied with the results. We hope you like the video.
Living with dune view
Pølser in Hvide Sande
Perhaps there are now some readers who do not share the opinion that sausages and fries are a “culinary highlight”. For us, one thing is certain: fried slices of sausage, French fries, fried onions and tartar sauce do not taste as good anywhere else as in Denmark. Before a long walk on the beach, you need to strengthen yourself. Those who have particularly long hikes ahead of them should reach for soft ice cream as a desert in order to sufficiently replenish their energy reserves.
Aircraft museum in Stauning
It would be wrong if we would recommend the “Danmarks Flymuseum” in Stauning only for rainy holidays. This emergency solution character would not do justice to the lovingly furnished museum. Exhibits of civil and military aviation from almost all epochs await the visitor. The special thing about this museum: Dog owners are allowed to take their four-legged friends with them into the museum. Our French bulldog “Truffle” fearlessly explores a private jet and a propeller liner from the golden age of aviation.
lighthouse Nørre Lyngvig
The light of the lighthouse of Hvide Sande can be seen from far away. In our cottage in Bjerregard we see the rays of the lighthouse in the sky at night and even in the north at Sondervig you can still see the light of the 53m high “Nørre Lyngvig Fyr” scurrying along the night sky. The surrounding dunes invite you to take long walks. Especially at dusk you can spend some romantic hours under the lighthouse.
Oyster fishing in Lemvig
The town of Lemvig is situated about 75 km north of Hvide Sande, but it is worth a visit not only because of the beautifully situated town, but also because of the oyster population there. In recent years, the popular clam has settled here in the Nissumfjord and has grown rapidly. The surrounding municipalities now even offer guided tours, so-called “oyster safaris”, where participants are taken to the mussel beds under the supervision of a guide. If you don’t want to book an oyster safari, you can also go on your own from September to May. Outside this time of year there are oysters, but they do not taste good due to the mating season.
If you want to catch this delicacy yourself, we recommend this beach in the west of Lemvig. After only a few metres the first oysters are already lying on the seabed. At the beginning it takes a little practice to discover the mussels at all, especially when the surf is stirring up a lot of sand. However, we recommend at least rubber boots or even fishing trousers to avoid getting wet. Be sure to take a change of clothes and towels with you. Another little tip: Oysters can be very sharp-edged, I slashed my hands neatly on my first attempt in 2017. So if you want to “pick” the oysters, get leather or cut protection gloves. The gloves will also help you to open the oysters later with an oyster knife.
At home we prepare the oysters in two ways: Once raw with a homemade onion vinaigrette and a dash of lemon (oil, balsamic vinegar, finely diced red onions and some cane sugar) and once on the grill. Put some pepper and a small piece of butter in the oyster and then put it on the grill for 5 minutes. Especially the last variation is an absolute delight, even for those who find the raw oysters perhaps too “slimy”.
Dog Forest
Denmark is in itself very dog-friendly. From October 1st to the end of March the four-legged friends are allowed to walk on most beaches without a leash. Besides there are fenced dog forests (Hundeskov) in which the fur noses may run around freely. We love the dog woods, because they are suitable for learning how to run freely, as well as for exciting exploration and socialization with other dogs. Outside of these mentioned areas, leashes are compulsory everywhere and there are also some other regulations to be observed.
Smoked fish and local beer specialities in Hvide Sande
During a holiday on Denmark’s west coast, the local fish specialities should not be missing. There are plenty of fish shops and smokehouses in almost every town. Our fish favourites include smoked prawns with garlic, smoked butterfish (Escolar) and halibut. Accompanied by a few slices of fresh Danish wholemeal bread, good butter and a glass of white wine. A simple dinner can taste this good.
For years we have bought our fish at “Havnens Røgeri” and at “Nordsø Fisk” in Hvide Sande. The latter has also had an affiliated brewery for several years and therefore serves locally brewed beer with the various fish dishes. Local, light beer and plaice fillets with remoulade go well together.
Kite flying on the beach
Drachenfliegen ist keineswegs nur eine Freizeitaktivität für Kinder. Genügend Windstärken und entsprechendes Equipment vorausgesetzt, entpuppt sich das Lenkdrachenfliegen als kräftezehrender Sport für Erwachsene. Wer den wendigen Lenkdrachen fliegt, trainiert dabei nicht nur Muskeln, sondern auch Reaktionsvermögen und Feinmotorik. Außerdem lässt sich der Alltag wunderbar ausblenden, wenn man sich voll und ganz auf den Drachen, den Wind und den breiten Strand konzentriert.
Those who have had enough of hang-gliding use the beach for long walks and collect sea garbage at the same time to throw it in at the waste bins provided. In this way, every visitor makes a small contribution to environmental protection and discovers many a curious and interesting object.
Lonely island silence on Hindø in Stadilfjord
For many years only a dilapidated and makeshift concrete bridge led to the small island “Hindø” in Stadilfjord. Those who dared to cross the partly adventurously mended bridge reached the private but publicly accessible island “Hindø” after a few minutes walk. Meanwhile, the bridge to the agriculturally used island was renewed by the municipality and invites more than ever to a walk. Once on the island, we hear nothing but the rustling of the reeds, the splashing of the water and the sea birds. The silence here is magical.
Confectioners in Ringkøbing and Hvide Sande
Danish confectioners are not necessarily characterized by restraint when it comes to using bright colors and sweetness – and that’s a good thing. The local bakeries, such as Hvide Sande Bageri or Ejvinds Bageri, spoil us with sweet but delicious specialities of Danish cake and pastry art. Carrot cake, meringue and rum balls embellish our afternoon teatime.
With a cup of tea and a cinnamon sail we look into the dunes in front of our holiday home: The storm blows the sand in swaths over the dune, it drizzles, you could say it’s uncomfortable outside. Inside, the open fire is blazing and we experience very closely what “hygge” means.
Abelines Gaard – where time stands still
Abelines Gaard is a museum farm just below Hvide Sande. Here time really stands still, because the farm was left as it was when it was built between 1854 and 1871. Across the road from this outpost of Ringkøbing-Skjern Museum, there are cute little sheds in the dunes. These alone are worth a photo visit.
The fjord ports – oases of peace
For those who can get up early in the morning, we recommend a visit to the small fjord ports at daybreak. Take a freshly brewed coffee in a hot cup and watch the sun rise over the tranquil little fjord ports. The colourful morning sky is reflected in the water, the fishing boats are waiting for the slowly arriving fishermen, nature is awakening.
You will find our favourite fjord ports in this list:
Lyngvig Havn
Vinterleje Havn
Bjerregard Havn
Nymindegab Havn
On “Baggers Dæmning” on foot through the Ringkøbing Fjord
In the north of Ringkøbing Fjord, two bridges connect small fjord islands and thus enable us to cross the fjord. To the right and left of the path we find some old fishing boats that have found their last resting place in the reeds of the islands. The wind whips the man-high reed, we hear seabirds screaming and the groaning and squeaking of the old boats on the wooden footbridges. A romantic place that invites to take pictures. On foot the crossing of Baggers Dæmning takes about an hour.
Lighthouse and cliffs of Bovbjerg
If you want to go oyster fishing in Lemvig, you can stop at the lighthouse Bovbjerg. The red lighthouse and the lighthouse keeper’s apartment can be visited, and there is also a cute little café and an art studio.
Only a few hundred meters further on a staircase leads down the steep cliffs to the beach.
In stormy weather the thunderous waves hit the pier here. A tremendous spectacle.
What photographic equipment did we have with us?
In the following you will find affiliate links to our used equipment:
- DSLR-Kamera Nikon D500
- DSLR-Kamera Nikon D7500
- Objektiv Sigma 18-35mm F1,8 DC HSM Art
- Objektiv Sigma 24-70mm F2,8 DG OS HSM Art
- Objektiv Sigma 150-600mm F5,0-6,3 DG OS HSM Contemporary
- ND-Filterset HAIDA Slim PRO II
- Rollei Kabelfernauslöser für Nikon
- Reisestativ Rollei Compact Carbon (980 g inkl. Kopf)
- Kamera-Tragesystem Peak Design Capture Clip v3
- Wasserdichter Fotorucksack von Beschoi
- iPhone 11 Pro Max
- Video-Drohne Fimi X8 SE
All the links in this text are Amazon Affiliate Links, and by clicking on an affiliate link I will earn a percentage of your subsequent Amazon purchases. However, this circumstance does not influence the background of my product recommendation. This product recommendation is independent, honest and sincere.
Bei allen genannten Links handelt es sich um Amazon-Affiliate-Links. Durch einen Klick auf einen Affiliate-Link werde ich prozentual an Euren darauf folgenden Amazon-Einkäufen beteiligt. Dieser Umstand beeinflusst aber nicht die Hintergründe meiner Produktempfehlung. Diese Produktempfehlung erfolgt unabhängig, ehrlich und aufrichtig.