Must-Have Accessories For The Gas Barbecue

After our terrace was finally finished and our new gas barbecue had found its home, the accessories should not be missing. In this article I report about my favourite accessories for my grill.
Beer-Can-Chicken and grilled vegetables: Best together
Barbecued chicken and vegetables not only go well together as a combination in terms of taste.
With the multi-basket chicken grill from Rosenstein und Söhne (Amazon Affiliate Link), both can be perfectly combined during preparation.
The stainless steel basket is not only ideal for grilling vegetables, a whole chicken can also be placed in the middle of the basket.
The aromas of peppers, onions and other aromatic vegetables and spices soak into the chicken, while the gravy of the poultry refines the grilled vegetables.
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The right tools: tongs, meat fork, grill turner and brush
The grill tong is essential, of course. There is nothing worse than having to work with a too short grill tong, because of which you constantly burn your fingers. The same applies to the meat tongs and the grill turner.

From “Burnhard” there is a 4-piece set of stainless steel and acacia wood (Amazon Affiliate Link). Both materials make the “tools” extremely heat-resistant and durable. Moreover, the parts simply look extremely good. I myself got this set from my wife as a birthday present and was very happy about it. So far it has also coped with the dishwasher without any problems.
The integrated eyelets for hanging up the individual parts are particularly practical. These are ideal for hanging in the door of the grill.
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- HÖCHSTE QUALITÄT — Die BBQ-Accessoires sind aus Edelstahl und hochwertigem Akazienholz gefertigt und besonders hitzebeständig.
A burger press is essential
If you have ever made burgers yourself, you know that there is no way around a real burger press (Amazon Affiliate Link). If you only squeeze the patties together with your hand, there is a good chance that the minced meat will later crumble apart in the pan or on the grill. This not only looks strange, but also makes a mess on the gas grill when pieces of meat fall into the grills.
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Fish tongs: To keep the fish from crumbling
Grilled fish is super delicious, no question. But if you want to grill whole fish, you will find that it is not so easy. If the fish burns onto the grills, it is hardly possible to remove it in one piece. Torn fish does not only look unappetizing, it is also more difficult to fillet.
To prevent this from happening, I use fish tongs (Amazon Affiliate Link). After the fish tongs have been oiled with a brush, the whole fish, for example a marinated gilthead, is clamped in it and placed on the grill. A real treat.
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Pizza from the gas grill: No problem with the right hood
Pizza from your own grill tastes great too. But in order that enough heat can also collect right at the top of the pizza, we have to use a pizza hood. Under it, the heat also accumulates when we open the grill in between. Without this hood the baking process would simply take too long, the base would be burnt while the topping is not yet ready.

I myself use the pizza hood from BBQ-Toro (Amazon Affiliate Link) for this. A thermometer provides information about the pizza baking temperature at any time. At just under 200 degrees, a whole sheet of pizza takes about 10 minutes to bake.
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Don’t burn your fingers!
So that we don’t burn our fingers when we take bowls and plates from the grill, I use the rubberized oven gloves from Deik (Amazon Affiliate Link).
The gloves are heat resistant up to 240℃ and can be used on the grill as well as on the pan in the kitchen. It takes a full 39 seconds for the heat to reach the skin. You can work with them. Silicone knobs ensure that we don’t drop anything.
Keine Produkte gefunden.
Sauces and spices
Whether for vegetables, fish or meat, the herb mixes of Ankerkraut (Amazon Affiliate Link) are a great gift for any barbecue fanatic. With them you can refine various dishes or rub meat and fish as “dry rub” before grilling.

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I am also particularly fond of the delicous sauces from “Gepp’s” (Amazon Affiliate Link).
Especially the “Whisky & Pepper” and “Sesame” variants take you into a whole new world of taste.
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