ND filter (gray filter) Table for conversion of density, aperture, time

As I got confused when using ND or gray filters when comparing transparency, shutter speeds or aperture levels, I have created a usefull table here.
Gray Filter Conversion Table
Filter | Neutral density ND | Transparency | Extension of exposure time | f-stops |
ND2 | 0,3 | 50% | 2x | 1 |
ND4 | 0,6 | 25% | 4x | 2 |
ND8 | 0,9 | 12,6% | 8x | 3 |
ND16 | 1,2 | 6,3% | 16x | 4 |
ND64 | 1,8 | 1,6% | 64x | 6 |
ND1000 | 3 | 0,10% | 1000x | 10 |
Longexposure shot of the Woudagemaal in Lemmer (NL). 1 minute 30 seconds exposure time. Clouds and water are extremely soft. Nikon D500, Sigma 18-35mm F1,8 DC HSM | Art, HAIDA Slim Pro II ND-Filter
Which gray filters do I recommend, what should you pay attention to?
I myself use gray or ND filters from HAIDA. The filters are of good quality, in the middle price range and completely sufficient for my purposes. In detail I use the series “HAIDA Slim PRO II Digital MC Neutral Grey Filters“, because they are characterized by a small thickness and therefore do not cause shadows in the motive. In addition, the filters are more space-saving to transport than thicker models.
- Very thin, therefore no shading and vignetting
- No color distortion
- Practical to transport due to end caps
- Perfect to screw on and off, clean thread
- Brandneu: Haida Slim Pro II MC ND Neutral Graufilter Set 72mm - bestehend aus 3 Filtern: ND8, ND64, ND1000 + Filtercontainer +...
- Hochwertige, extreme ND Neutral Graufilter, der neuen professionellen Pro II MC Serie mit sehr schlanker Filerfassung - Hergestellt aus...
If you want to use an absolute premium product and perhaps attach more importance to the coating than I do, you will receive very good, but also more expensive products with the grey filters from “B+W”:
- KREATIV DURCH WENIGER LICHT - Neutraldichtefilter perfekt zur Reduktion der einfallenden Lichtmenge (6 Blendenstufen) ohne Farben und...
- VERGÜTUNG: Die 7+1 MRC Beschichtung sorgt für eine hohe Transmission und maximale Entspiegelung. Die zusätzliche Nano-Außenschicht...
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[…] release comes in. The above-mentioned long exposure times are used, for example, if you want to take long shots with ND filters in actually sufficient or even very bright lighting conditions. This allows you to achieve effects […]