Useful tools: Photography apps for iPhone

Handy iPhone apps for photographers and creative professionals. These apps offer more convenience, save time, and do the math.
Alpenglow – Golden and Blue Hour with Geolocation
I regularly use Alpenglow to predict the Golden or Blue Hour. The app determines the exact time frame via geolocation and can also inform you about the start of the geolocation via push notification. In addition, the app shows the expected weather quality, e.g. whether cloudiness due to fog, precipitation or humidity is to be expected.
LE Calculator – Calculate exposure times for ND filters
Whoever takes pictures with several minutes exposure time in the Bulb mode of the camera and uses ND filters, must inevitably multiply the regular exposure time with the respective ND filter to determine the correct time. Of course there are tables for this, but this app makes the conversion a breeze.
Nikon Manual Viewer – The operating instructions always at hand
Who always wants to carry around the original instruction manual of his camera? Nobody. That’s what this app is for.
ControlMyCamera – Remote release, live viewer, image download
Provided your camera has WLAN and you have installed the latest firmware version, you can use this app to replace the hated “SnapBridge” app.
ControlMyCamera is the mobile version of the software “qdslrdashboard” and allows you to remotely trigger the camera with Live-View on the mobile device and download images to your mobile device, the latter even for RAW files.
Luminar 3: My first choice as a Lightroom alternative
I’m gonna do some advertising. I’ve been dealing with all kinds of image editing software for months, comparing a lot, testing a lot and finally choosing RAW developer and Lightroom alternative Luminar 3.
Have a look and try the free trial version. Just click on the banner:
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