Affordable name badges as gallery badges for paintings and collections

A few years ago I had the idea to put a kind of gallery sign on my pictures hanging in my flat. So visitors can recognize immediately what kind of pictures they are. Now it was not so easy to find a suitable supplier with the Google search “signs for pictures”. I went on the search for an appropriate solution and found a producer of name badges.
Meanwhile, small signs explaining the title, artist, year or origin hang from all the pictures in the apartment. As described at the beginning, you won’t find many offers for the inscription of paintings if you search on Google. But after some searching I found a “workaround” on the pages of
Take the product “name tag”, select the desired dimensions, curves and colors, then enter the desired label and choose the variant with magnetic holder.
What is actually intended as a name tag for attaching to clothing can be used for other purposes. You can attach the badges either to a magnetic foil attached under the picture (so the badges can be easily exchanged if necessary), with hot glue or, if you really want it to be bomb-proof, with mounting glue.
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Not only pictures and paintings can be labelled so stylishly. Models or components of collections can also be attractively enhanced with these signs: