Biodegradable Dog Poop Bags without Plastic – Do they hold tight?

We took a closer look at environmentally friendly, biodegradable dog waste bags and found out if there are any disadvantages. In this way we minimise our ecological footprint even when we go for a walk with our dog.
Environmentally friendly dog walks
Meanwhile, plastic packaging is being avoided almost everywhere, be it in the supermarket or when shopping online. Also on our dog walks we wanted to do without plastic dog excrement bags and so we tried the “Earth Rated Dog Waste Bags” (Amazon Affiliate Link).

The bags promise biodegradability and are made of recycled materials. All in all, this makes them a perfect solution for environmental protection.
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Are they staying tight? Are the bags odour-proof and waterproof?
Of course, we first had doubts: Can a dog poop bag made of degradable material be really tight and not stink? The answer can be summarised briefly and concisely: Yes. Even after 4 hours a test bag completely filled with water does not leak anywhere. We have not tested longer, because who carries dog waste bags around for more than 4 hours?

Furthermore, there is no significant odour development when using the bags. Quite the contrary: The “Earth Rated Dog Waste Bags” (Amazon Affiliate Link) are even available with a pleasant lavender scent. This whitens the dog excrement stench already while collecting – in the handbag the lavender scent can become a bit penetrating in the long run.
All in all, a clean and environmentally friendly alternative. It is to be hoped that many cities and municipalities will follow suit and provide this ecological alternative in the future.
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