Cover visible garden hoses with cable sleeve in white, grey or black

Manufacturers of garden hoses like to produce hoses in bright colours such as red, green or orange. This is rather suboptimal if, for example, the hoses are laid in such a way that they are visible on the terrace or in the garden.
To make the installation more inconspicuous, you can camouflage your hoses with flexible cable sleeves (Amazon Affiliate Link) in the colours white, grey or black.
- Größe: Durchmesser: 25mm | Länge: 3,1 m | Farbe weiß. Selbstschließend design: Für das Einlegen der Kabel müssen Sie diese nicht...
- Betriebstemperatur (Grad C): - 75 bis 125 | Schmelztemperatur: 230. Der Kabelstrumpf ist für TV Computer Heimkino und Automobilmotor...
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