European flag colour codes – RGB, CMYK, HSV, RAL, Pantone


For my work as a graphic designer I often need exact colour specifications for printing or online publication.
Yesterday a task led me to find out the exact colour codes for the European flag. I found surprisingly little about it on the Internet.


Special offer
SCAMODA Bundes- und Länderflagge aus wetterfestem Material mit Metallösen, Outdoor Fahne & Flagge (Europa) 150x90cm*
  • Flagge für drinnen und draußen mit verschiedenen Bundes- und Ländermotiven
  • hochwertige Verarbeitung aus reißfestem, sowie wind-, wasser- und sonnenechtem Material aus 100% Polyester



blue: RAL 5002
yellow: RAL 1018


blue: Reflex Blue
yellow: Yellow


blue: 0, 51, 153 oder #003399
yellow: 255, 204, 0 oder #FFCC00


blue: 220°, 100, 60
yellow: 48°, 100, 100


blue: 100, 67, 0, 40
yellow: 0, 20, 100, 0




European flag please use proper orientation – No joke

If you work with the European flag, please don’t embarrass yourself. You can actually use it the wrong way around.

It is used correct when the single star tips point upwards. If two star tips point upwards, it hangs upside down.



europaflagge richtig









europaflagge falsch







I hope I was able to save some time for one or the other and help you.

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