Plant granules – Is that also available in beautiful? The grey alternative
![Plant granules – Is that also available in beautiful? The grey alternative](
Plant granulate for indoor plants is a great thing: it stores water longer than conventional potting soil, prevents waterlogging and insect infestation. A round thing, if it weren’t for the red colour, which takes some getting used to. Are there alternatives to the reddish plant granulate?
When most of us think of plant granules, we probably think of the market leader Seramis and its reddish plant granules (Amazon Affiliate Link). The advantages of this granulate over conventional potting soil are obvious:
- No infestation by insects and pests, because there is no breeding ground
- Longer storage of water for longer watering intervals
- Avoidance of waterlogging and root rot
- Avoidance of mould growth on the surface
But what many people also think of when they think of the market leader is the reddish colour of the plant granulate. This reddish terracotta colour is relatively difficult to integrate into modern, light living spaces. Some people therefore cover the plant granulate again with conventional potting soil or cover the earth substitute with stones, which in turn can cancel out the above-mentioned advantages.
But for some time now there is another alternative: The plant granulate “LECHUZA-PON” from LECHUZA (Amazon Affiliate Link) comes in a greyish colour.
Lechuza-Pon is a mineral plant substrate for indoor and potted plants. It consists of pumice, zeolites, lava and fertilizer.
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In the hand the Lechuza granules feel almost identical to the Seramis granules. There are also no differences in the application: the plant granulate does what you expect from a good plant granulate. My palms could not find any significant difference to the reddish version so far.
So if, like me, you are looking for a more interior design-friendly plant granulate with a less conspicuous colouring, I can only recommend the plant granulate “LECHUZA-PON” (Amazon Affiliate Link).
The only pity is that I could only find the Lechuza granules in packaging sizes of 12 l maximum. Here it would be desirable to have the possibility to buy this granulate in packaging sizes up to 30 l, if you need a little more. The purchase of several 12 l packages can sometimes be quite expensive.
All the links in this text are Amazon Affiliate Links, and by clicking on an affiliate link I will earn a percentage of your subsequent Amazon purchases. However, this circumstance does not influence the background of my product recommendation. This product recommendation is independent, honest and sincere.
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