I needed a cordless vacuum cleaner. I'd had enough of tangling cords that wouldn't rewind. Enough of bumping a floor vacuum against doors, walls and furniture. But are the battery and suction power enough? After just under half a year, I can say that the effort was worth it.
A cordless battery vacuum cleaner for the motor home was needed. It had to be lightweight and not take up much storage space. The hose of our old on-board vacuum cleaner alone took up as much space as a crate of drinks. I also had enough of tangling cables that wouldn't rewind. Enough of bumping a floor vacuum against table legs. But are the battery and suction power enough? After a half year, I can say that the effort was worth it.
A cordless battery vacuum cleaner was needed for the sailing boat. It had to be lightweight and not eat up much storage space. The hose of our old on-board vacuum cleaner alone took up as much space as a beverage crate. I was also fed up with tangled cables that wouldn't rewind. Enough of bumping a floor vacuum against table legs and edges. But are the battery and suction power enough? After half a year, I can say that the effort was worth it.
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