Transport boxes for van, motorhome and off-road vehicles

Anyone travelling with a camper van, motorhome or off-road vehicle often needs a functional box system for transporting clothes, food, tools or other things. We were also faced with the choice of a suitable system and stumbled across the following systems.
Requirements for boxes and storage systems
When we started looking for a suitable box system, we attached great importance to the following requirements:
- View-proof transport boxes that do not reveal the contents. No one should be able to see what we store in our boxes when looking through our windscreen in a car park.
- Light weight. This makes the boxes easier to move, plus every gram saves fuel.
- Sturdy construction. Closures, side panels or lids should be strong and resilient.
- Boxes should be easy to stack. This means that boxes can be stacked in a space-saving and stable way, for example on the back seat.
- Boxes should be easy to secure with tension straps.
Frontrunner Wolf Pack Pro
The Wolf Pack Pro from Frontrunner are the top dogs among the transport and organisation boxes. They are shock and impact resistant and protect the contents against dust and water. The boxes can be stacked inside each other and are also suitable as a table or storage when piled up. The boxes are so stable that it is quite possible to stand on them. If the ambient air pressure has changed and a vacuum is created in the box, the Wolf Packs are sometimes a little difficult to open. Pressing on the lid can then remedy the situation.
By means of lashing straps, the boxes can be firmly lashed to the back seat, boot or even outside on the roof rack.
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Next-Gen Portable Euroboxes * are characterised by their durable material. Fitted with the right lids, the boxes can be stacked easily and safely and even lashed down. However, you should avoid standing on the lid with your own body weight.
- Robuster, stapelbarer Transportkoffer mit komfortablem Koffergriff und abnehmbarem Klappdeckel mit Scharnieren.
- Praktische Lagerbox mit Deckel: Der Scharnier-Deckel mit Schiebeschnappverschlüssen ist ganz ohne Werkzeug leicht zu montieren.
Zarges Aluminium-Eurobox
In my opinion, Zarges Euroboxes * are the Mercedes of aluminium boxes. They are dust- and splash-proof thanks to an all-round foamed-in lid seal. Thanks to stacking corners made of impact-resistant plastic, they can be stacked on top of each other in a stable manner.
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- Die integrierten Stapelecken aus robustem Kunststoff sorgen nicht nur für eine rutschsichere Stabilität, sondern auch dafür, dass...
Stier Alubox
Another inexpensive alternative in the field of aluminium boxes are the aluminium boxes from Stier *. The boxes are stackable, but less stable because there are no stacking corners. Nevertheless, due to the dust and water protection, they are also a visually appealing alternative to other aluminium boxes.
- STABILE VERARBEITUNG: Hochwertiges Aluminium und stabile Verarbeitung für einfaches Handling, optimale Lösung zum Aufbewahren, Lagern...
- GESCHÜTZT: Integrierte Gummidichtung gegen Eindringen von Staub- und Spritzwasser, geruchsneutrale Aufbewahrung
Auer Folding boxes
When it comes to folding boxes, Auer Folding boxes * are way ahead. The advantage of folding boxes is their small pack size when you no longer need the boxes. This saves a lot of space. At the same time, the boxes are not necessarily suitable for use as steps because of the integrated hinges.
- Faltbox im Euromaß mit Klappdeckel FBD 64/27 von Auer 60x40x27cm, 56L
- Lager-, Transport- und Kommissionierbox für Lebensmittel und andere Materialien
Yorbay Folding boxes with lid
The Yorbay folding boxes * are the budget version of the folding box. Here, too, the lid should not necessarily be used as a step.
- Zusammenklappbar und platzsparend: In weniger als einer Minute ist das Produkt zusammen auseinandergebaut. Somit eignet es sich...
- Stapelbar: Aufgrund des intelligenten Designs lassen sich mehrere Aufbewahrungsboxen stabil übereinanderstapeln. Es kann in mehreren...
Front Runner Wolf Pack
The predecessor of the above mentioned “Wolf Pack Pro” boxes was the cheaper “Wolf Pack” *. After careful consideration, we finally decided on this concept.
Using lashing straps, the boxes can be lashed inside the vehicle or even outside on the roof rack.
The boxes are so stable and can be stacked on top of each other that they do not slip apart, even on steep slopes. This means that the stacked boxes can also be used as a shelf or standing table.
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Do you have any other suggestions for keeping things tidy with boxes and crates? What system do you use? Let us know in the comments.
* All links marked with an asterisk are Amazon affiliate links. We receive a percentage of the purchases made through them. Our recommendations are nevertheless honest and sincere.