What is the difference between IUSR and IIS_IUSRS?

Which user actually needs access to the directory from which a website is hosted for the IIS? The IUSR or IIS_IUSRS? Actually it is quite simple…


If requests from the Internet are forwarded to the IIS, they are usually made anonymously. This means that the server notices that someone wants to access a certain resource, but of course does not know exactly who. In order for these anonymous users to be able to access files within a site, they must of course have the appropriate rights. All anonymous requests are made within the IIS with the user IUSR.

However, there are other situations in which access to the contents of a site or application is necessary. For example, if the so-called application pools want to access a site or application. This is often the case with web portals or web applications. Application pools are quasi framework conditions for the execution of certain frameworks, such as .NET or ASP. And each application pool has its own user. Since it would now be very time-consuming administratively to consider each individual application pool user individually when assigning rights, the IIS_IUSRS group was created. Yes, that’s right, that’s a group, you can tell by the last letter “S”, which indicates the plural.



If you want to know more about who is behind the group IIS_IUSRS, you can call the IIS_IUSRS in the node “Local Users and Groups”, in the submenu “Groups” and have the members displayed by taking a look at the computer administration.


Die Benutzergruppe IIS_IUSRS mit ihren Mitgliedern in der Computerverwaltung



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