Many Outlook users will be wondering these days about an error message that appears after updating to the "new Outlook" and prevents previously functioning mail accounts from being retrieved.
Most cable finders are crap. That's why you find many of the devices at the grab boxes in the checkout area of hardware stores. With the Bosch D-Tect 120, I found a working cable tester for the first time.
If you search the internet for the best export options for uploading videos to YouTube, you will always come across videos and blog posts that present exporting as H264 codec in MP4 format as a panacea. The reality is different. YouTube re-encodes every upload, no matter what format you upload it in. The only advantage of this format is the fast upload, because the file size is smaller.
I needed a cordless vacuum cleaner. I'd had enough of tangling cords that wouldn't rewind. Enough of bumping a floor vacuum against doors, walls and furniture. But are the battery and suction power enough? After just under half a year, I can say that the effort was worth it.
I was quite surprised when I couldn't open our garage door with a voice command on the HomePod. What at first sounded like a configuration error has a security background.
With these Yahka adapter settings, you will be able to query and control your garage door opener using HMIP-MOD-HO even in Homekit and the Apple Home app.
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