Replacement battery EN-EL15a and EN-EL15b for Nikon cameras from third market – finally no crap

Since buying my very first Nikon camera in 2005, I have tried some replacement batteries from the third market. To be honest, I should have always saved the money for the alternative products and instead I should have used original Nikon batteries. After a long time I tried again and was positively surprised.
In December 2017 I ordered two replacement batteries for the Nikon lithium ion battery EN-EL15a of my D500 from Amazon. It was an alternative product to the original Nikon batteries.
I had had very bad experiences with third market batteries before and wanted to try it one last time.
As of today, I have been using Blumax alternative batteries for a little more than 1 1/4 years and still can’t find any bad characteristics on the batteries.
In contrast to my previous experience with alternative batteries, there is no memory effect, no unpredictable switching off of the cameras, no excessive heating, and a consistently normal charging behavior.
For the first time I can now recommend a third market battery for Nikon DSLRs to my readers, which only costs about a third of the original battery, but is in no way inferior to it.
Replacement battery for Nikon EN-EL15a for cameras D850, D7500, D750, D810, D810A, D610, D7100, D7200, D600, D800, D800E, D7000, D500, Nikon 1
- Höchst erhältliche Kapazität ✅ Der Blumax Akku ist das perfekte Zubehör für die Nikon Digitalkamera kompatibel mit Nikon EN-EL15...
- Maximale Leistung durch High-End Li-Ion Zellen mit langer Lebensdauer und hoher Zyklenfestigkeit ✅
Comparison of the original Nikon battery EN-EL15a
- kompatibel mit Nikon D700 D7100, D7200 und D7500
- kompatibel mit Nikon D800, D800E, D810 und d810 a
Replacement battery for Nikon EN-EL15b for cameras Z6, Z7, D7000, D7100, D7200, D600, D610, D750, D800, D800E, D810, Nikon 1
- Höchst erhältliche Kapazität ✅ Der Blumax Akku ist das perfekte Zubehör für die Nikon Digitalkamera mit EN-EL15b Akku. Kann...
- Maximale Leistung durch High-End Li-Ion Zellen mit langer Lebensdauer und hoher Zyklenfestigkeit ✅
Comparison of the original Nikon battery EN-EL15b
- Kann in den Kameras Z 7, Z 6II, Z 6 und Z 5 mit EH-7P und UC-E24 geladen werden
- Kompatibel mit Hybriden Z 7, Z 6 (und Version II)
My first choice as a Lightroom alternative
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david Peevers
i have many EN-EL3e batteries but they all seem to be dead after several years of no use. is there any way to now recharge them? thanks!