Røde VideoMic NTG – All modes and button functions

A short article about the functions of all buttons and modes of the equalizer and the recording modes of the Røde VideoMic NTG.
First row: Equalizer 75Hz, 150Hz and High Frequency Boost
The first row of functions controls the equalizer. Depending on the setting, various interfering frequencies are already filtered out during recording, or the highs are recorded more clearly with the help of the High Frequency Boost.
With the 75Hz high-pass filter, all frequencies below 75Hz are excluded. This is practical for filtering out noise from traffic, wind or air conditioning systems, etc.
The 150Hz high-pass filter cuts out all frequencies below 150Hz. In short, I use it when the 75Hz is not enough.
Alternatively, both equalizers can be switched off and thus the complete frequency spectrum is recorded.
The High Frequency Boost controls the recording of the treble more strongly, improves its clarity. This makes sense, for example, when I record with the microphone guard or a dead-cat. Otherwise, these recordings can come across as a bit muffled, because the highs would simply be missing.
The High Frequency Boost can be added to any equalizer setting or used even when the equalizer is deactivated.

Second row: recording level modes -20db, safety channel and peak warning LED
These two settings and the warning light are useful for very noisy environments.
The “-20db” setting is also called “Pad”. When enabled, it attenuates the input signal by -20db. Great for recording in very noisy environments.
When we are recording in environments where there are wildly varying volumes, it makes sense not to commit to an attenuation. In “safety channel” mode, the microphone records one of the stereo tracks normally, and then records a second track with the -20db attenuation. In post-production we can then decide which of the tracks to use.
The third LED “Peak Warning” is not related to any function, but only signals when the recording is too loud, the audio signal “clips”. In this case we have to reduce the gain.