If you want to use the “Joomspirit Theme” for “JComments” in combination with Recaptcha v2, you have to change the template files a little bit. Here is the documentation.

In this blog post I assume that you are already using the version of “JComments” of “exstreme” adapted for Recaptcha v2.
If not, you can download it here and then install it via the Joomla package management via upload:


But if you want to switch to the free “Joomspirit Theme” template from Joomspirit for JComments like I do, you will notice that the recaptcha relevant modifications in this template don’t take effect and that instead of the captcha box you only get a text “recaptcha” displayed. 

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To fix this, go via FTP to the folder /ROOT/components/com_jcomments/tpl and copy the directory “JoomSpirit_theme” to the new name “JoomSpirit_theme_with_recaptcha”.

In the copied directory search for the file “tpl_form.php” and open it in the editor you trust.

In or near line 130 you will find the following entry:

[code]if ($html != '') {[/code]

Replace this code completely with :

[code]if ($html == 'recaptcha') {
// Recaptcha
$recaptcha = JCaptcha::getInstance('recaptcha', array('namespace' => 'anything'));
echo $recaptcha->display('recaptcha', 'dynamic_recaptcha_1','g-recaptcha');
elseif ($html != '') {[/code]

Now you only have to activate the new version “JoomSpirit_theme_with_recaptcha” of the template under the settings of “JComments” in the tab “Layout”.
The CSS-files of the cloned template can now be customized and the comment form can be beautified.