Workaround: Error message “An internal error has occurred” on RDP Remote Desktop Connection

Description of a workaround if the error message “An internal error has occurred” appears when opening an RDP connection.



When you open a Remote Desktop connection from a client to Windows Server 2012, you receive an “Internal error occurred” error message.

rdp interner fehler


The connection setup is neither possible via IP address nor via the DNS name of the server.
The connection is interrupted before authentication.

The connection to the server can either not be established by a single client or not by a group of clients.




  • The Remote Desktop Session Service (Termservice.exe) is in a non-regular state.
  • The Remote Desktop Session Port is used by another program.
  • A self-signed RDP certificate is corrupt.
  • A self-signed RDP certificate is not provided by the server during connection establishment.



Restart the service for the terminal service if there is still access to the server.

If there is no more access to the server, restart the entire server or the VM.




Now something to laugh at for the admin…


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